Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Years Day and no room at the castle ...

The Madwoman decided that as it was a nice day, we would go for a walk over to Berko Castle, which we've never yet visited despite the fact that its only a dozen or so miles away. She muttered a bit about having to pay £4 for the nearby car park, but you should have heard the language when we then arrived at the castle to find this sign hanging on the entrance gate. So that's her New Years resolution to be more tolerant broken already. Looking at the sign inside it says that it's closed on Christmas Day and New Years Day. It's a shame they didn't bother to include this information on their website.
We did consider storming the battlements in protest, but from what we could see through the gate, it looks like they've been pretty well trashed by someone else already.
Presumably by the person who rolled up on Christmas Day ...

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